Monday, June 29, 2020
I am honored to be tied at the hip to Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, the brilliant iconoclast biologist, called “the most heretical scientist of our time,” from a time when TED found both of us to be too controversial and cut their audience off from what we did for them. Rupert’s notion of morphic resonance is a groundbreaking idea about how the world is put together, and he is on the front lines of the need to get beyond our materialist, mechanistic science that supports our greed-based, outdated worldview. On July 1, at noon Pacific time, he’s giving an online talk, that I’ll be attending, on a new version of his controversial book, The Science Delusion (called Science Set Free in the U.S., where the new version is not yet available). This is the first of a series of very short videos, based on each chapter, to refute the materialist assumption that nature is machine-like or mechanical.