I’m thinking about cutting to the chase. How much more battering will we take to declare a state of emergency for humanity? We’re in a situation that needs addressing. Now.
We need all the players in the game. It’s like the virus – in all those countries you don’t even know the names of, everybody needs treatment. It’s also basic to bring everyone up from extreme deprivation. Extreme poverty. Extreme homelessness. Extreme civil war. Extreme refugee situations. Cut all that out. It’s for everyone’s good. Us luckier people who got dealt good birth hands, let’s us be grateful. No one asks to be born and most poor babies grow up to be poor adults. Now, let’s actually create the playing field of everyone working together by everyone having enough to get by.
Eradicating poverty, where everyone has food, shelter, education, and health care, could be put in play by an agreement like the declaration to go to the moon. That would be a trimtab for humanity’s ship of state to be on course toward the world we want.
That will put us in the right spirit. The poor will be saved and that spirit of giving will make everyone feel good. We’ve got to go for good over money. It’s so simple. Really.
Look, this isn’t a parlor game. Let’s get on with it. The planet’s clock is time is ticking, and, being in my 80s, so is mine.
What are your thoughts? If you ruled the world, what would you do?