The date is January 1st, 2050. All war and conflicts on the planet have ended; the Earth is a very cooperative, peaceful, and beautiful place.
How did we do it? People realized love is the most important and powerful force in the Universe, as Albert Einstein pointed out in his “Bomb of Love” letter, (see: “The Universal Force of Love – A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter, Lieserl” – Professor Einstein wrote, “If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer”, Ibid.
People have also realized that we are all one, regardless of our race, language, or culture. And if we attack or hurt each other, we only hurt ourselves, because we are all interconnected.
People have realized we must have peace in order for us to survive and prosper, as the Hopi Indians realized thousands of years ago.
The Hopi Indians have what they call an ancient “Prophecy Rock” on their reservation in Arizona that is about 4000 years old. The rock itself has two lines:
(a) One line is a straight line and goes from one end to the other around this large rock. (See attached picture, IMB_5592)
(b) One line goes up zig zagging at a 45 degree angle, and then abruptly stops. (See attached picture, IMG_5591)
The first line represents a world of peace of harmony, without war or conflict; it represents the kind of world we can all live in for thousands of years if we live in peace and love each other and the planet. The second line represents today’s world where we will all destroy ourselves if we continue to fight each other with war and conflicts and destroy the environment. See: “Two Paths: Destruction or Survival – Thomas Banyacya – Hopi Spiritual Elder, 1972”, the authors write, “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to destruction. The other is living together in harmony with nature. Ancient Hopi Prophecy interpreted by Hopi religious elders Thomas Banyacya and Grandfather David Monongye”. Feb 12, 2020. See also: “Hopi Prophecy Rock with Elder Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma”, (See pictures of Ted in front of Prophecy Rock on the Hopi Indian Reservation on IMG_5591 and IMB_5592.)
By 2050, people realized that we must have peace in order to survive, after the world came close to a new third world war in 2024 and 2025 with conflicts in the Ukraine, Taiwan and Gaza. We all realized we cannot build a cooperative and happy planet if we are all fighting.
People also realized when people fight each other, they only hurt themselves, because the Supreme Being exists within all of us, and we only hurt ourselves if we hurt others.
In 2024 and 2025, people realized that most governments did not care about their citizens; they only cared about their own selfish interests, so the people stood up and demanded peace (and won). In spite of governments, by 2025, the conflicts in Gaza, the Ukraine, and Taiwan were all peacefully worked out after many people around the world stood up and demanded peace, because they realized we are all one, and peace was more important than war.
Protests first started in 2022 in Canada with the truckers’ strike that spread to Australia, New Zealand, and the United States where people everywhere stood up in unison against the tyranny of the Covid shots, and the various governments started to back down. As President Kennedy has noted, people want to be free – this desire is in people’s DNA. Quoting Benjamin Franklin, President Kennedy said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety” .
Freedom: It’s in America’s DNA – The Missoulian April 28, 2020
In the 2020s and 2030s, when various public and private institutions tried to enslave people in all kinds of ways, all of their efforts totally failed because people stood up and would not accept it. For example, when various governments tried to take away paper money and replace it with digital currency, their efforts totally failed because people stood up. When they then tried to force 15 minute concentration type Chinese cities in various western countries, people in the U.S. and Canada simply drove through the barriers and refused to bow to tyrannical authority.
People realized that we were all very powerful spiritual beings who were all meant to create a much better and happier planet. We were not meant to continually fight each other with continual wars and conflicts. By realizing we are all powerful spiritual beings, people realized there are more good people (than bad ones who want to destroy this beautiful planet), and we can all change the world in a better way. For example, in 1941 the Nazis in Denmark ordered all school teachers to teach Nazi doctrine to their school children. But every single one of the teachers refused – there were too many of them for the Nazis to send everyone to the concentration camps, and not one teacher died as a result. The Nazis were never able to teach Nazi doctrine to children in Denmark during World War Two because they all stood up at once to the Nazis.
As with the peace protests against the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 70s (which ended the Vietnam war), and the protests against nuclear weapons in the mid to late 1980s (which resulted in a nuclear peace treaty between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in the early 1990s), people also started standing up for peace in Gaza and in the Ukraine in 2024 (which resulted in a permanent peace treaty by 2025). As in the 1960s and 1970s, the majority of people in the world realized that if the people lead, the “leaders” will follow.
With the cessation of hostilities, people started realizing that all these needless wars of destruction were very costly, not only in terms of deaths but also financially as well. Beginning in 2028, inflation in the U.S. started to skyrocket to pay for all these wars. With a U.S. budget deficit of 33 Trillion Dollars in 2024, hyperinflation started happening by 2030, repeating the same inflationary pattern in the aftermath of the Vietnam War when it ended in 1975, and interest rates rose to 20+ percent in 1979.
However, this time by 2028, the people of the U.S. and people everywhere around the world realized humanity did not need war. Instead, we needed cooperation and peace to create a beautiful and happy planet. With this new realization, people around the world started downsizing their militaries and police forces around the world. The monies otherwise invested into war and weapons were all redirected into the environment and social needs like good medical care for people everywhere. They followed the example of Costa Rica which in 1947 abolished their military and instead used the money for education and environmental needs. In 2024, Costa Rica invested 25 percent of their budget into the environment, with another 25 percent into education. As a result, Costa Rica has had the highest standard of living in Central America; the country is now a model for the United States as we have shifted from a war based economy to a peaceful, harmonious world without conflict. With the abolition and/or reduction of militaries (including the U.S.) around the world, the standard of living for Americans and all other peoples have also dramatically improved.
With the realization that we are all one with the Supreme Being within each one of us, people have evolved from service to self, to service to others; they have realized that love is the most important and powerful force in the Universe. We have all realized that we are all Gods and Goddesses, with the power to heal ourselves. As people learned how to heal themselves, medical establishments and doctors and health care professionals around the world have incorporated new alternative and spiritual healing methods into their practices. Governments have also stepped in to provide state sponsored medical care where needed for their citizens, but the profit motive has been taken out of the system, and the medical system has been forced to use and consider alternative medicine..
When the profit motive was taken out of the medical establishment in the late 2020s and early 2030s, many Big Pharma corporations went bankrupt. They were also were sued out of existence after they were sued for the millions of deaths from the forced Covid “vaccine” in 2021 – 2023.
Meditation was also recognized as a valid way to help change the world, and by 2050, people were meditating on a daily basis in schools, offices, and in every day life around the world. In India, there is an internationally recognized free public hospital at Mt. Abu in Western Rajasthan that plays meditation music every hour on the hour during the day for several minutes. When the music plays doctors, patients and staff are all required to meditate on healing and making the world a better place. In addition, traditional Indian medical Ayurvedic have been successfully incorporated into treatments. Because of these non traditional healing methods, and daily meditation, the healing rates at this hospital are far higher than other hospitals in India, and all medical care is free. The facility is entirely supported by donations. This model of medical care became so successful that there are now 50 other hospitals based on the same meditation model – see: See: Interview with Dr. Pratap Midha, the director of this Hospital with Ted Mahr on October 11, 2019 at: under podcasts.
Meditation could be taught in secondary and middle schools, as part of a new peace curriculum. For example at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, meditation is taught as part of the educational curriculum. See: Studies into the beneficial efforts of meditation have shown that people can actually change and heal the world to resolve conflicts and create peace by just praying and meditating. By 2050, people and governments around the world have all realized the positive benefits of meditation. Meditation is now incorporated as part of the daily educational curriculum of most colleges and universities, as well as all medical clinics and public and private offices in the United States and in other western countries.
Creating a cooperative, harmonious, and beautiful planet where there is no conflict has required politicians and government to become open and honest. By 2050, the U.S. Government became very open and transparent, fulfilling the dream of President John F. Kennedy, where he said, “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment” – from: JOHN F. KENNEDY, “ADDRESS: THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRESS” (27 APRIL 1961).
With this new transparency, people realized by 2030 that both Big Pharma and governments around the world had discovered (and then hidden) many cures for cancer and other diseases, in order for money to keep people continually sick (and never fully cured). With the elimination of weapons development and the militaries, the freed up monies were used for medical care and to help clean up and protect the environment, as well as for education.
As the Fifth Dimension sang about in the 1960s, we entered into a fully harmonious, beautiful and cooperative society in the 2020s and 2030s because we reoriented our priorities and shifted from a wartime economy that had been continuously promoting war (and weapons of destruction) since World War II. The war economy that was turned on in 1941 in the United States was never turned off until the people stood up and demanded peace and a shift from war and destruction to one of peace and cooperation, and this started happening in 2024 and 2025.
How did we do it? We started with a small donations of $50,000 in 2024. This initial nest egg was divided three ways used to fund additional efforts in these areas:
(1) Peace meditation education centers for primary and secondary students in public schools throughout the U.S., as well as meditation and meditation music in U.S. hospitals and clinics. Because of the great benefits of meditation, meditation centers were established for children and young people throughout the U.S. which sponsored classes in meditation for peace and cooperation. They did not advocate any one religion but instead meditation for world peace, tranquility and harmony. Once these children and young adults learned the benefits of mediation for world peace in the late 2020s, these young people were later able to help create world peace in the 2030s and 2040s, and beyond.
In addition, as with Dr. Pratap Midha in Western Rajasthan (see discussion above), meditation (and meditation music) became to be used in many American hospitals and clinics in the 2030s and 2040s when people realized that this really helped the healing process for many people.
(2) Emoto Peace Project. The Emoto Peace Project was started by Dr. Masaru Emoto in 2005 after he gave a speech before the United Nations on the need to educate young children and adults on how they can create a better and happier world just with their minds, and thinking positive thoughts. See: Before Dr. Emoto was murdered by the Chinese in 2014, Dr. Emoto was one of the world’s most famous spiritual scientists. He found that if you sent thoughts of love and gratitude to a glass of water, that you can transform the water molecules into beautiful water crystals and raise the vibration of the water. With these higher water vibrations, you could really help create healthy minds and bodies, and clean up pollution. In one experiment, he took a bottle of radioactive water from a nuclear plant in Japan, and wrote the words “love and gratitude” on the bottle. Within 48 hours, all of the radiation disappeared and you could drink the water. See: Ted Mahr, Messages from the Masters: Messages of Galactic Wisdom. pp.76-77 c.2017. Think how this technique could clean up Fukushima or the world’s oceans, or create clean drinking water!
In fact, from January to May 2021, using these techniques, I did a series of experiments on my radio show where I asked all my listeners to send love and gratitude and positive thoughts to Fukushima, with Dr. Libby Rutledge in Montana. Dr. Rutledge tested the amount of radiation at Fukushima before and after our thought experiments and found that the radiation had decreased by 90 percent! So our experiment worked!
The Emoto Peace Project produces a beautiful little book called, “The Message from Water” for children. They distribute this book for free to children around the world. Their efforts should be supported, especially with their distribution of their free books and presentations to children and young adults on how we can all make this world a better place. The book teaches children and young adults that their thoughts can create world peace, and make this world a much better place! See: When these children become adults, the hope is that they will create a better and happier planet based on harmony and cooperation. The monies could also help spread the message of Dr. Emoto of love, gratitude and peace. This could be done with the additional distribution of these beautiful little children’s books to various schools in the United States.
(3) Alternative Media that promotes peace and harmony, and love and light. There are only five or six corporations (mostly owned by Vanguard and/or Blackrock) which control over 90 percent of the world’s mass media. They only have basically one viewpoint of war and many lies; they do not want peace and harmony. They want conflict. However, there is a sizable alternative media segment in the United States and elsewhere, and there is a long standing radio show called “Out of this World Radio”with Ted Mahr that has been helping people with the ascension and how to make this world a beautiful, cooperative planet for over 11 years. See: It is a nonprofit donation based show, and I have been broadcasting every week for over 10 years. I broadcast now every Friday for three hours from 10 am to 1 p m Pacific Time in English, and every other Monday from 12 noon to 2 pm Pacific Time in German and in English in Vienna Austria on Radio Sol International. My last show had well over 4 billion listeners. It is a nonprofit, listener supporter radio program. I established the show in November 2013 with the purpose of raising conscious to create a new peaceful and beautiful world.
For the last several months, I have been asking all of my listeners on all my radio shows to send lots of love, light, and thoughts of peace to Gaza and the Middle East, as well as to the Ukraine. I first did this in 2014 with great success!
For example, on July 25, 2014 from 3 pm to 4 pm Pacific Time, I interviewed Dr. Masaru Emoto on my Out of this World Radio Show by phone from Seattle on 1150 AM. Dr. Emoto was in Tokyo. During that interview, I decided to do an experiment with him on creating world peace. At that time (July 2014), there was fighting in the Gaza strip between the Israelis and the Palestinians. So during the interview at about 3:30 pm PT, I asked Dr. Emoto if his techniques could help create world peace. He said “yes”, so I asked him to join me in prayers and meditation for about 5 or 10 minutes to send love, light, and peace to the Israelis and the Palestinians. During the meditation, I asked everyone to ask for a 12 hour cease fire so food and medical supplies could be supplied to the wounded for both the Israelis and the Palestinians. See: Dr. Emoto Interview for July 25, 2014 at: After the show ended at 4 pm, I drove to the place where I was staying, and at about 8:30 pm PT, I turned on the TV to watch CNN, and just as I turned on the TV, there was a red banner from the BBC across the bottom of the screen that said that the Israelis and the Palestinians had just agreed to a 12 hour cease fire to exchange food and medical supplies, so our experiment worked! I contacted the BBC, and CNN and ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS (all major American and international media), but they all ignored me. However, at that point, I did not care because I know that our experiment worked! So since then, I have been an ardent supporter of Dr. Emoto’s work and the Emoto Peace Project. In 2016, I also helped establish the “Emoto Peace Project America” nonprofit organization that teaches children the value of love and peace – see Dr. Emoto’s little children’s book called “The Message From Water”. The cease fire that the Israelis and Palestinians agreed to in July 2014 lead to other peace agreements; it was the seed that lead to multiple years of peace until the recent conflict.
We all need to plant the seeds of peace of peace now, so we can have a beautiful, peaceful, and cooperative planet by January 1, 2050. We are all powerful spiritual beings meant to create a much better, happier, and peaceful work, and I know we can do it!
As the Hopi Indians have noted, we also all need to look beyond ourselves and become service to others, rather than service to self, if we are to create a much better and happier world by 2050, Many indigenous peoples like the Hopi know the true history of this planet and have seen into our future. As earlier discussed, the Hopi have a “Prophecy Rock” that dates from 4000 years ago, with two lines: (1) a line of destruction for our civilization if we do not learn to live in peace and harmony, and (2) a line of peace and happiness if we can learn to love each other and the planet. See also: Ervin Laszlo and David Lorimer, The Great Upshift, pp.311-316: Ted Mahr, “We Have a Bright and Beautiful Future”, Light on Light Press, c.2023.
I also believe that creating a peaceful and cooperative planet is more than just changing attitudes. This is because our technology has dangerously outpaced our spiritual development. As Albert Einstein noted when we discovered the atomic bomb in 1945, “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our thinking. Thus, we are drifting toward catastrophe beyond conception. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” From: As part of this, we will need a new paradigm based upon service to others rather than service to self, and of love and compassion and peace and harmony, rather than war and conflict.
So the issue then becomes, how do we bring more love into people’s hearts, so they think of others (instead of themselves) and create a harmonious and peaceful planet?
One way would be to take away the economics of selfishness and materialism. People are selfish because they think they have to be in order to pay bills for energy, medical care, food, etc. But if medical care is subsidized, and alternative healing methods are used, the costs could be much lower, especially if we can get rid of Big Pharma. Approximately 25 percent of all bankruptcies in the U.S. are from high medical costs, so if costs were lower, people would be a lot less stressed out. I also am not advocating a Canadian type medical system because no alternative health methods are allowed in Canada and the system actually punishes people who use alternative methods. So a new health system here in the U.S. would have to incorporate new alternative therapies.
Where could the money for a new health system come from? I don’t think we need high new taxes, as in Sweden where tax rates are as high as 70 percent. The money could come from reorienting our taxing and spending priorities from war to social needs. For example, we could dismantle the US Military Industrial complex of war and destruction, because the war machine that was turned on in World War II has never been turned off. As earlier noted, Costa Rica abolished it’s military in 1947, and used the money to fund low cost medical care and education. Today Costa Rica has the highest standard of living in Central America. We in America could also have the highest standard of living in the world if we just reoriented our spending priorities.
If people aren’t struggling to constantly pay bills, and to finding where their next dollar is coming from, they could afford to be altruistic and help others to create a happy, harmonious and cooperative planet. They could afford to live in peace and joy and not struggle for everyday existence.
We are not meant to be fighting and waging war against each other. We are meant to be living and working in peace, harmony and happiness. As one example, when President Eisenhower left office in 1961, he had great concerns about the U.S. Military – Industrial complex upon our democracy, because every dollar spent on weapons meant that much less for other needs. See: Eisenhower’s Warning about the Military-Industrial Complex at:
Our future is very bright, but we all have to play an important part in order to create it. A beautiful New World is not just going to fall into our laps. The kind of economy and society we have today has a lot of evil that has been accumulating for many decades. But I know we will be successful, because all have the spark of God within each one of us, and I know we can and will work together to create a better and happier world. Once we realize that all have that spark of God within us, we will stop fighting and create a much better and happier world, based on cooperation and love (and not fighting and war).
I also think that everyone who contributed an essay to your wonderful project should be made part of a new group of people who really want to make this world a much better place. I know if we all work together, we can and will make this world a much better and happier place easily by 2050 (if not before)! As Lao Tze has said, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – from: In other words, “… the quote reminds us that no journey is too long or too difficult when we break it down into small, manageable steps. It’s a powerful reminder that even the most daunting of tasks can be accomplished when we take that first step and begin our journey” – see:
So let us begin our journey now about how we can take the steps now to create a peaceful, cooperative planet!
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!
With lots of love and light,
For a planet that’s happy and bright!
Ted Mahr
Out of this World Radio & TV
Phone/text: (509) 750 9793 or (360) 878 4049