SUESpeaks Essay Contest Finalists The 20 finalists for the How the World Got Saved essay contest 1The Empathy ChipBen Wakeman2The Merge. The untold tale of when true collaboration became possible.Adriana Forte Naili3The End of the BeginningGary Stark4The World Counts to FiveGreg Beatty5The Circle of HopeGuy Dauncey6Changing the World: A ReflectionJeffrey Dunne7Living Life as Inquiry: Every Moment Counts!Joan Walton8A Message from the FutureKevin Kiser9Benches and SnacksLeela Sinha10Healing ourselves in order to bring peace and healing to the planetLynn Brodlie11Fashioning the Future: How We Used Our Voices to Craft a New, Circular EconomyMarie-Lune Simard12Restoring Our WorldMaximilian DeArmon13The Grassroots GamechangerNina Riaz14Fighting the Behemoth. Reclaiming Our SoulsRuthy Wexler15Round-UpStuart Johnstone16Near Future News Update: The Trillion Dollar ShiftStuart Zimmerman17ALL ONESuAnn Kiser18Abya YalaThomas Schindler19Letter from the future – Welcome to 2050Alasdair Lord20Campaign for Farm Service: Empower You(th), Feed A NationRebecca Tarnas