I’m linked up with an organization that has scientific credibility and we’re trying to work this out. It is looking more and more doable. I can picture the world getting sweeter as kindness reverberates. “What a surprise how easy it turned out to be to radically shift the world. There must have been such a deep hunger to be more human. With everything traditional having halted, the timing was right for something radical and there was no more radical move to make than to go from a greed-base to a humanitarian one. Once we changed consciousness we could solve problems we couldn’t solve before, so this sweetening of kindness turned out to be the doorway to the more beautiful world our hearts knew was possible.”
Given there have been scientific studies that have determined that prayer can affect the material world (listen to my podcast, The Power of Prayer to Affect the Physical World), there would be a legitimacy we could verify to a project where millions of people pray together for some outcome. It would be praying without any religious connotation – you could call it “focusing.” The project foresees millions of people all over the world, every day at the same time in each time zone, spending a minute focused on kindness. If kindness became commonplace, that could change our paradigm to where caring about the whole would become as important as caring about ourselves. And, if we saw how effective focussing on kindness was, there could be other objectives that the power of millions of aligned people focused together could bring about..
Thought affecting the material world isn’t pie in the sky fantasy. A dramatic example was the Minute of Silence in England during World War II. Every day, when Big Ben sounded, everyone focused on Germany not invading England, and there’s testimony to that possibly having been what prevented the invasion.
This stainless steel cooking spoon is more absolute as testimony. It was bent in front of a group at my house. You would think it’s impossible. There are no tricks. The person who did this focuses his thoughts and bends spoons of any size, one after another.