Jane Goodall does a star turn. She is so on it for our bottom line. When I listen to her I think that if everyone in the world were listening we’d change our ways.
My favorite quote for this moving video:
“It depends on changing attitudes. If we could just get a critical mass of us who start to think about the consequences…We just have to get it through to our thick heads that what we do as an individual certainly in the big scheme of things doesn’t make a difference, but what we do collectively as billions of human beings making the right ethical choices, that’s going to move us in the right direction.”
Searching for Unity in everything is noble, but ultimately a daunting experience. Why? Because it’s pointless to search for what is ALWAYS TRUE ABOUT EVERYTHING. Unity is an ABSOLUTE REALITY that is TRUE about everything. You need only to understand and realize it by the RECOGNITION of it’s knowledge. Which I am telling you about right HERE and NOW. You can’t unify anything because there is no separation ANYWHERE! If there is a separation anywhere, you CANNOT KNOW ABOUT IT, otherwise it would not be a true separation. For knowledge is ONLY transmitted through what is already connected. All of our conflict in life is the result of FAILING TO SEE UNITY!
Hi Darren — This reminds me of what Ramana, a teacher of mine and a podcast guest of mine (https://suespeakspodcast.com/3-ramana), reports about his teacher, Papaji. When asked what gets in the way of finding, Papaji said, “Searching.” I did take some shortcuts with language to make SUE Speaks work, so you have to take what I did figuratively and not literally. “Searching to understand that unity is our reality” would be literally true, but it wouldn’t work for the branding SUE gives me.