- What I did to help the planet
Looking back, I felt my calling and service to others was to bring healing energy and understanding to individuals about their lives, increasing their own self-worth.
By understanding our life journey, healing emotional wounds helps to find peace and love within oneself and for others. I incorporated aspects of health awareness, eating correctly, breathing exercises, sufficient sleep, etc. It is about appreciating our life and living a better way. Opening people’s consciousness to vibrations and their internal world helps survival of their own challenging external world.
I qualified in various cognitive and healing body work therapies to connect with those who needed help and discover more about themselves including negative energy that could potentially harm them physically.
Naturally feeling the Earth energies and physical shift vibration such as earthquakes, I learned how everything on our planet is connected. In the same way as our whole body is one web of connection. Everything is a loving sacred consciousness.
By helping to bring peace into the body, mind and spirit; negative emotional patterns can be resolved. The Earth can feel the peace and love from us instead of fear and unrest. Loving energy and empowerment positively affects everyone around us.
As I continued to help people to be more at peace so that in turn, this loving energy will benefit the planet, I realised I could help individuals to self-heal.
I made it my purpose to do this whenever and wherever I was, at any point in time. This was on the basis that good positive energy reaches outwards and ripples across anything in its path.
This was what I did to help the planet wherever I was because if people feel better about themselves it must help the overall mission of creating a peaceful caring world.
- It’s January 1, 2050
A while back, I sold my house I had refurbished, in order to stop work. I moved away to a more rural area where I then trained initially with a Bereavement charity as a volunteer who had originally helped me. I then qualified in Counselling, Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy in order to gain many cognitive therapy skills. Having experienced all types of abuse and recovered from them sufficiently; I now felt able to help others, as if it were now my calling. I already had my lifelong sensitivity, spiritual gifts and connection with spirit, so all of the above made perfect sense having learned about energy fields and various modes of healing others. I felt confident I could make a difference to help heal the world and bring peace. Assisting people to become happier could in turn, bring positivity to our future together.
It is a bank holiday on 1st January 2050. Speaking of banks, there has been the biggest structural commercial change ever to be experienced. The previous catastrophe in the infrastructure of mankind produced a huge refit of finances; necessary in many countries across the world. The bringing together of spare cash and investments from wealthy individuals and conglomerates was an essential necessity overnight to help build communities again after excessive natural disasters.
Now, I don’t mean just giving out money to anyone who could be doing something with their lives but can’t or won’t. No, this new structure was to bring people together, to help each other, to restore damage to nature caused by excessive natural disasters back in the mid- 2020’s.
This innovative community structure, managed with new compassion, was created out of urgent necessity. Groups of people came together to work on parcels of land that had to be recreated. Nature had its own special way of survival from fire and floods but still needed human love and care to bring agriculture to those people recovering e after such a devastating time. It was similar to a barter system. For example, when community group A’s land was sorted and starting to flourish to feed their community, group A members might go and help group B with a project i.e. turning over very damaged soil for planting. Permaculture was developing for sustainable self-sufficient agriculture ecosystems to thrive. This way everyone started to live comfortably, a welcome change from the previous greed of making millions of profit by the few who still wanted more.
The world was such a different place now. This brought self-worth, achievement and empowerment. Teams work better as it benefits them to look after each other. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More (or M could stand for Magic). A sense of belonging brings caring, kindness and love in the space between people. The powerful energy, within us and surrounding us; connects us all. If people are more content then the earth ultimately must feel it and benefit from this. As, no doubt, do all the living beings on our planet, in the ocean, on land and in the sky. For we are all one energy, which permeates our Earth reaching out to the Universe, connecting with universal consciousness and universal love.
On this day as we begin another half-century, I am out in the amazing fresh air amongst an unusually warm climate for January. Such peace as I never once thought I would experience and happiness filling my heart as I walk. I am wandering through an avenue of amazing trees surrounded by huge golden fungi, busy feeding the trees with their ancient knowledge. I could sense the souls and consciousness of the trees communicating with each other, feel them vibrating love and strength. Their natural supply of oxygen breathing me, was glistening in the sunlit air as I walked along a path of bright energised grass, soft beneath my feet.
I came this way today for a change as there were different routes from where I now live with my niece and family at their small holding farm, agriculture and livestock. This is where I lived before so walking across now to see the old place. Its new owner was waving, beckoning me towards his flourishing land. He stood holding a hoe in one hand near a vegetable patch.
“Good morning, lovely you came. Perfect timing, just boiled up some coffee” he said beckoning me to the familiar bench on the veranda. Glad to sit down, taking my shoes off; I stretched my big toes upwards to stimulate the essential Vagus nerve. I breathed in and out real slow, connecting bodily, and relaxing my organs. I always breathe in and out very slowly. A regular necessity at my grand old age, still agile though.
“So lovely to see you,” he said sitting down, handing my mug of coffee. “I was talking about you earlier to the teacher and his young pupils, right over there learning how to grow vegetables.”
“Yes, I can see that, Simon” I said. “A very good thing these days after the catastrophe our poor old planet had to endure. It’s so important to bring back the old teachings to the young.”
In the peaceful silence, a large bird flew very close to us making us jump from its loud greeting. “So, we were talking about how anyone as old as you survived, with all due respect and admiration for your resilience of course. How it all affected you, with the excessive earthquakes, volcanos, flooding and tsunamis. We decided that those who were meant to survive from that time are still here for a reason. Maybe your older generation still in existence were good souls who helped the consciousness of the Earth. I’d really appreciate you telling me a bit about how you coped, how you remember it was before and about your life.
I contemplated that for a moment. I stared across the land I used to cultivate with whatever I could to supply my family with vegetables and fruit. The community had made such a good job of expanding this land for growth. “I can just see your hemp and corn growing through the bare trees. They are looking so good, Simon. It takes me right back to when I was getting to know more about the growing of Hemp. Just happy that so many people have gone back to growing the versatile plant at their homes compared to when I was your age. With such a change in climate, it is so much easier to cultivate produce now.”
I didn’t know quite where to start about my life and what I did to help to bring world consciousness into a better place. So, I thought I would go for an earlier time in my life, realising I felt uncomfortable about how this world I was born into was becoming, as an adult.
At a very young age, Simon, people around where we lived grew their own vegetables and flowers. I remember a local garden full of Chrysanthemums and Dahlias. Beautiful vibrant colours which I loved to see and smell the perfume. The old gentleman near us would ask me to go and pick out the earwigs to stop them eating the petals once they have devoured invertebrates. So, I lived through my childhood with many colours, opposite fields of wheat bordered with wild red poppies, bright blue cornflowers, buttercups and other wildflowers. I loved the king buttercups bordering a small river running through my paternal grandfather’s field. I loved colour so much and even remember earlier still, standing in a playpen aged 2 or 3 trying to reach the oranges, apples and bananas on a sideboard.
As I grew into a teenager, I did not really feel as if I belonged to what was happening in my environment. Yes, there was still a market in the high street, a fish shop and butchers, sweet shops, iron mongers, and so on. It was a community and people helped each other, a slight touch of bartering and togetherness. But as the ancient small town was invaded by many new houses being built, so did the town start bringing in new large buildings such as supermarkets. Now there is nothing wrong with advancing facilities and services but being very sensitive, I sensed a change in the town. We were now living in a large house away from the countryside. My bicycle was my escape to find the wildflowers again with a friend who liked go train spotting. After that, attending a senior school meant a long cycle through rubble and rough roads of housing estates being newly erected.
I stretched my legs, arms and whole body to increase circulation. I was remembering the change in my perception of my senses, as I passed through my teenage years enjoying writing and artwork which I could escape into. Simon had gone to replenish our coffee and appeared with more of his own home-made biscuits.
“So what happened next? What did you do Doris as schooling finished?” he asked swishing some bees away in the direction of their hives near the fruit orchards.
“I wanted to go abroad and be an archaeologist to escape the new town environment, but that was the era where girls were to become secretaries or nurses. I gave in and became a secretary at my parent’s insistence. ‘It will come in handy’ I was told. At the end of achieving those qualifications, I did a few months in a secretarial position with an international company. I then managed to secure a place with International Voluntary Service to go to Africa. This was just what I wanted, to live within colourful environments and be in nature again, away from concrete streets, houses and buildings. A civil war ensued there in Botswana where I was due to go. They, instead, sent me to the Seychelles, delightful islands in the Indian Ocean. Freedom came my way and I fed myself with colour and beauty of natural basic living in an old plantation house with other volunteers. I was part of an island housing improvement project using mostly natural materials.
At the end of that contract, I came home then qualified in catering whilst I was in a job at the Royal Air Force Association convalescent establishment in a rural setting near the family home. So, I now had more countryside which I was so comfortable with. Moving on into a different job after five years, I ran the facilities of a world-wide multi-national management training centre, a big leap for me career wise. I also, met my future husband which took me to three different countries in Africa.
My psychic abilities increased at this stage, living in a more natural environment than back home. I had premonitions, especially leading up to unrest such as two aggressive coup d’état where rebels took over the countries we were in. Because of this gift, after the divorce from my husband; a work colleague took me to a Spiritual Church. This brought me to developing such skills in mediumship development circles and qualifying as a Spiritual Healer.
Simon leaned forward. “So sorry you had to go through a divorce and that must have been difficult starting all over again. You had no children of your own. Is that right?”
I nodded, surprised at Simon’s sympathy and understanding. “Thank you but it is as it is and it taught me more resilience and how to cope within our changing world. Having this gift of non-duality and receiving messages for people which in turn gave them guidance really helped me to connect with the state of our planet. It was changing rapidly and I seemed very connected with the earth energy in my own consciousness. At the end of 1990’s I realised that the world was becoming one by way of general availability. Nationalities and establishments with foreign foods, fruits, vegetables, wines and other products arrived from all over the world. As everything advanced, people started to close down personal face to face connection with each other. They were becoming individually separated in this way using their mobile phones instead.
“We just have these wrist bands that pick sound a long way from the wrist and they are healthy. I heard the old type mobile phone was really causing health problems before the planet change. These are created from research of UFO and crop circle information. Natural materials are used as well.”
“Yes, a bit beyond me, Simon. I do not go very far and don’t need one of those, dear. Even modern music at that time of mobile phones became quite aggressive, and anger was increasing in people’s psyche. Uncaring was more apparent, more mothers than ever went to work so children had less maternal quality time. All this was fine but, and it is a big but because I could not only feel the change in the country but also sense it across the world. I was picking up more strongly premonitions on major incidents in dreams like train crashes, plane crashes and strong earthquakes more clearly.
Something was happening to me personally, Simon. This is good for me to reflect and talk to you like this. I’m so glad you asked me. I hope I’m not boring you though. Please be honest with me.” I gave him a wry smile as I wanted to continue my journey and realisation of my life and how it developed. No-one had ever asked me like this before.
Simon grinned broadly, “I am so enjoying your story as you are the oldest person I know around here,” we both laughed at the way he said it, humour all over his face. So important to have fun and stimulate our serotonin and oxytocin levels, not just from flavonoids in the thick organic dark chocolate covering the ginger biscuits which were gradually diminishing.
“I remember now, as we talk, that the world seemed smaller and how easy it was for me to connect. I did a course in philosophy when we did a ‘coming to stillness’ exercise, closing our eyes being aware of our feet on the ground, air on our bare skin and well, something like that anyway. When we had to expand our senses outwards, I would see countries and hear their relevant sounds. I was advised by the tutor that this was not normal. Well, Simon, the funny thing was I had been kind of feeling this sort of thing for a long time. Like, when my maternal grandmother died, I could still hear her and talk with her after that.
I started to realise that the whole world was all connected not just at a physical level but in all levels of energy. For how else could I know things and feel energetically across the planet. Serendipity occurred many times. One evening, I was really drawn to ring someone at that hour instead of the next day as arranged. When I did, she was shortly going to a talk of something called Reike which I had not heard of. However, it was like a jolt in my mind and a warm feeling in my heart. So, I asked if I could go with her and I eventually became a Reike master. This was so helpful to understand even more about energy not just about the Earth but now the healing interconnecting body energy and symbols. I was so lucky to be guided to engage in such an interesting and empowering journey, Simon.”
I paused here for a few minutes as the schoolteacher with his young pupils passed by to the road and return to their school. Such serene energy, peaceful disposition, smiling radiantly and glowing from rays of the sun; these young beams of light energy were our future.
“Let’s walk awhile so I am not too stiff, Simon.” We wandered past the grapevines yet to bring this year’s fruit. The wine nowadays was really full of goodness because they made their own which contained good nutrients. I was remembering what was consumed when I was Simon’s age, when chemicals were used to create a stronger flavour in cheaper wine.
“So what next, this is so fascinating”, asked Simon. “Most people I know are healers and pick up on people easily so it is natural for us. I see colours around people, animals, plants and trees.”
“Yes, your generation born after the extreme natural disasters on the earth were so gifted. You were named the Golden children because when the earth started to settle and recuperate from the great natural cleansing, we had amazing golden light across our skies like we had never seen before. My generation however, did not have natural environments with clean air and clarity. Not everyone had the gift you speak of available to them as invariably parents would squash their children’s spiritual experiences through fear felt by that parental generation.
It was in the 1990’s when I started to feel fun and joy diminishing in the atmosphere of social gatherings. It was as if people were struggling even if they were wealthy. They never seemed content as we both know; money alone does not make people happy. I was having counselling myself. I was also more aware of others resisting such therapy as if it was a weak thing to do. But it does help if you understand why you are feeling resistance, rejection, anger, bitterness to name a few. I started to take on a few clients for Reike sessions and then started to see some in past life visions during their treatment. One day, when I ascertained that the client was quite spiritual knowing very little about her already; I asked a client about a vision I had of her on a ship with irons around their ankles and wrists. How she had infection in her ankles beneath the irons and died months after the ship arrived in Australia. This realisation astounded her as she had received three operations during this lifetime but the ankles could never be sorted out.
Healing therapies were still not really generally accepted and the topic kept quiet from others who may be too judgemental of them. I did learn other modalities and gain a qualification in Bowen Therapy. I was so interested in energy and have pursued questioning, experiencing and connecting with the unknown all my life.
When the Twin Towers came down in 2001, the world consciousness changed and opened people’s minds and hearts to other forms of staying healthy and improving bad health. Oh, look, I can see a few people meditating on the other side of the river.
“That’s something most of us do regularly, a really important rest for the brain and complete body as is yoga and a cold swim in the river to stimulate the mind. It’s part of our daily routine.”
“Good to hear. Many things changed in the new millennium, Simon, spirituality awareness in particular, thank goodness. There came a time when I stopped working in an office environment and I sold up to be free. I moved into the countryside and continued my personal healing journey. I trained and become a volunteer with a Bereavement Charity and then qualified in Counselling and Psychotherapy to help others. This included Hypnotherapy which was all part of my further understanding of consciousness and being able to add extra ways of healing.”
Simon turned around and stopped as he spoke. “I know you are psychic Doris, and wondering why you don’t give readings.”
“Well I do, as and when Spirit connects with me. Also, that gift is very useful during counselling when I can deal with the whole person in this way. In fact, when we had the Covid lockdown, I did voluntary counselling to support a healing sanctuary. It is so important to clear ourselves of whatever we may be holding by way of old emotional stuff that is not needed any more. Talking therapy is so much more efficient for our health instead of carrying such emotions in our physical bodies.
“Isn’t it difficult listening to people’s problems because some people can be a bit repetitive hanging onto old stuff?”
“It can be, Simon. But I may just suggest something to give them understanding. Even if they object to the suggestion, a seed is sown. The thought may flourish if it is meant to in their brain and subconscious and produce something helpful. I have always done this work because it is so worthwhile. By assisting healing of individuals, others around them can also benefit as our energy flows between each other. Happy people attract happy people.
Prior to the 2020 Covid lockdown, a while before you were born, I felt the world was heading for something life changing and it needed to. It was in a very disconnected state. During the summer of 2019, I stood at the back my house and asked God ‘when is something going to happen to stop the abuse, corruption and destruction of our amazing planet?’
The bereavement and grief humans had to go through during personal loss of loved ones during Covid 19 was huge, and would have brought them back to their hearts, back to their true existence and connection with the Earth and each other. Animals, birds and insects were abundant and the trees thrived as the polluted air slowly cleared. It cleared through lack of fuel from planes in the sky and transport on the roads. Silence and peace were wonderful. Views of famous mountains appeared in countries where the air was so polluted before, a magical sight. It was a quick enough response to help people realise how easy it would be to have a cleaner healthier planet.”
Simon stopped to secure some chicken wire placed over and around healthy large leaves, on our way back to the house. Whilst doing this, he asked what the difference is between grief and bereavement.
“Well, very briefly Simon, a bereavement is the loss of a loved one and grief describes the response that can occur when accepting the bereavement and recovering from it. It isn’t just about losing a family member, it can be just as important if losing a pet, a job, a home from fire, to name a few. There is also accumulative grief. A new bereavement can bring back buried pain from unresolved grief.
So, that is why so much grief lingered in the world after Covid took so many lives. But out of grief comes compassion which had considerably dwindled up to 2020, in my opinion.
Since then compassion for each other in most situations such as industry, commerce, public services has increased. This has transpired very gradually, as people got used to the idea and communicated more from their heart instead of just from the mind. There is a saying that something good happens slowly whereas something bad happens quickly. Martin Luther King, a wonderful man of peace said ‘Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war’”.
“What does that mean?”
“Bringing peace and love to those War mongers at that time may have helped them re-evaluate themselves if they experience and connect with peace and love vibrations.”
I think most people’s issues are unresolved grief, Simon, for whatever emotional pain they carry.
Helping people to understand it all first then accept it and forgive whoever they need to. Then, more importantly, start to empower and love themselves. This can have a whirlpool ripple effect on other lives they touched. Positive caring energy has no end so would have helped the world consciousness for others even if it is just my own contribution to others. One person carrying out this work can make a huge impact as the good vibrations flow out across the planet. As in nature, an apple has only five pips but just one pip can produce a tree that will produce many more apples with many more pips. One healed good intentioned human can have the same impact on many others.
Just like the single pip from an apple, we never know or learn how many have been helped. It is so important to heal ourselves first so that we may then help heal the planet in our own individual way of service.
- How we got through and are here now in 2050
In 2020, Covid 19 impact on the world changed people’s perspective on how to connect with others. This ‘lockdown’ situation was forced upon them from often living in a previous disconnected environment of the love of power instead of the power of love.
The shock on all levels of society and of our individuality probably awakened the world to consciousness for the first time. Since then, there has been more compassion shown towards each other. However, awareness of how we should be improving the state of the planet was slow to transpire.
Since that time, far more evidence has appeared via people who have brought it to attention. The remainder has been through climate change and ultimate suffering from earthquakes, fires, volcanoes and flooding. The oceans and rivers have shown us many examples of selfish human pollution.
So, when people did not pay attention to the Earth Mother’s message of the ancient Kogi prophecy, the inevitable happened. At this time an extremely high magnitude earthquake erupted in the ocean causing multiple tsunamis. This shocked the world and the Kogi prophecy, once only aware of by a few; became world-wide knowledge. This was a considerable warning to change right now.
So the post-Covid consciousness increased and the energy of the people across the world came to a resolved time of caring for each other and the planet. Money and power were no longer the key motives of being here on this planet. It was an immediate shift and could be felt by us spiritual souls overnight. The grief that ensued further opened the hearts and minds of many who had never recovered from fear and discomfort inflicted on them from the Covid bereavement of loved ones.
When another earthquake hit on land which started a volcano eruption, the Earth seemed to stand still in its consciousness as the realisation hit billions of people. This brought them into a coming together across the world and world-wide support sharing whatever was possible. Eventual peace reigned as people repaired the damaged lands and returned much more to the soil and permaculture attitudes to rebuilding our amazing planet.
Then, more importantly, start to empower and love themselves. This in turn has a whirlpool ripple effect on other lives they touched. Positive caring energy has no end so would have helped the world consciousness for others even if it is just my own contribution to others. One person carrying out this work can make a huge impact as the good vibrations flow out across the planet. As in nature, an apple has only five pips but just one pip can produce a tree that will produce many more apples with many more pips. One healed good intentioned human can have the same impact on many others. Just like the single pip from an apple, we never know or learn how many have been helped. It is so important to heal ourselves so that we may then help heal the planet in our own individual way of service.
I wrote the essay for Suzanne’s competition always having been aware of how much the human race disrespects the planet. Lack of that respect and disconnection from oneself are often the reasons people do not see what is right in front of them: the beauty of our amazing Earth.
My overall feeling of how the planet could become a better place, where we have unity with others, is to heal our own perceived emotional damage. Compassion and empathy for ALL other beings, not just humans, benefits the planet with positive vibrational energy.
My essay was to promote self-healing and having better contact with others and the earth. Returning to nature, which is there to nurture us, can guide a life of peace, with very little materialistically. Possessions are not enough to make people content if they are carrying emotions that no longer serve them.
The process of writing the essay was very revealing. I reflected on how I had already lived, spreading compassion, empathy, and love, to experiencing going forward in time which is still sitting in my heart. It was like a psychic experience, and as if I was accessing the akashic records in a different, much improved world of togetherness. The part that stood out was a stronger sense of conscious awareness including increased telepathy. I am hoping to see young people, our future planetarian guardians, adopt a way of living so peace can prevail on Earth. The young people will understand and will let nature provide food for restoring Earth in a bio generational way.
This essay is a lovely trip through reality and how the bad stimulated the good. It didn’t follow the guideline of what the writer did and something initiated by people to create the workable world, but it was such a nice evocation of the organic process of how changed developed that here it is, in the finalists!