(Please leave your comments here and not on YouTube.)
This gun thing is making me mad. What is wrong with us that Japan has no school shootings and that we ignore the gun regulations they employ? HELLO OUT THERE. I’m talking to us. My side. We are ignoring what would fix this problem. Show everyone this video and the whole thing is solved. How come I never knew anything about Japan’s success until I stumbled on this video? This is insane.
I have the same sort of feelings about our prison system. Norway has one that works. Their recidivism rate is 20% and ours is 76.6%. Why aren’t we having any conversations about their radically different way of treating prisoners? Michael Moore even did a segment about this in his recent documentary, and it’s more insanity that it’s still unknown.
It’s urgent that humanity become a caring species. We are in it together. Gun regulations and prison reforms can be the forerunners of revamping everything to run on caring instead of on the greed and vengeance that we are run by now. We have the information about what works. It is incontrovertible. Let’s hear from you. How can everyone get wised up?
Please go to my website http://www.christconsciousness.net and click on the tab “Evolution of Consciousness” in the top right of the Home page. I believe this explains why the world is in the unsustainable situation we are in. We are exploring all that is possible in the material reality. We are soon to shift into the next phase which is the spiritual reality. This will be difficult or impossible for many people. It is to do with the coming of the Christ Light (nothing to do with religion!) It is likely to be accompanied by some devastation, and so it is important that as many people as possible have an understanding of what is happening so that they can help others. I don’t have a time, but I think it’s quite close.
The scenario, although not based in science, is presented logically and with compelling evidence to support it.
The web site has a page where people can list there name, email address and comments This will enable people to communicate with each other and develop a positive resonance that should help make this passage smoother.
Thank you Sue,
Both of these posts resonate so deeply with me. Why? Not only are they respectful of human life, but they also highlight the fact that the absence of violence and conflict are actually good for business, good for the economy and good for the collective as well as individual soul.
Christine (aka the Maverick;)
I wonder if it’s somewhat force of habit to keep in the same dysfunctional grooves. Especially when shifts to more workable ways are good for business, you’d think that they would be easier sells. Maybe it’s more a matter of gettign attention to these alternatives than anything else…?????
If we all were on board “Connecting With Universal Consciousness,” that this video is encouraging, of course it would be the world we want. And that world would indeed be practicing and employing what my post was explaining. But I’m not sold on this 15-minute exercise, with some of the people speaking who don’t walk the talk they are trying to sell us on. There aren’t any credits on this so we don’t know where it came from. That was troublesome to me. Who is teaching a class I am taking? Good message but questionable delivery would be my response. If you explore the entries on this site I think you’d find more cogency and convincing testimony than this video offers. Hopefully you aren’t the filmmaker!
As a Japanese/American, I was raised primarily by my grandfather, a devout and gentle Buddhist from the old country. I learned early, as most Japanese do, that anger and aggression are considered shameful. I felt the cartoon did not give a broad enough picture of the low crime rate in Japan, but I feel that this article/video does; at least it is consistent with what I know about Japanese culture: https://www.seeker.com/why-japans-crime-rate-is-so-low-1968210079.html
Even more about our shocking ignorance where we ignore models that work. I don’t get it. Why isn’t the info widely known and serving as inspiration for what we might do?
Japan, Norway, Australia – they can do this and so can we. As soon as we stop glorifying profits and believing that is the measure of the person.
How can we be so crazy as to ignore these working systems? What to do to “stop glorifying profits and believing that is the measure of the person”?
Loved the video on guns. We are so far away from doing that here.
And the prison thing as well.
I don’t even know where to start the conversation. At the very least, we should be helping those released from jail get jobs and housing, but most places do not accept folks with backgrounds for either.
It’s a revolutionary change in our thinking that’s the only thing that will sufficiently impact this massive denial we are in about systems and practices that work. Creating that revolution is the task at hand.
Working in Japan at the moment, I can tell you that not only do they have a sensible gun policy, but also a coherent, unified culture where honesty and responsibility is extolled! Oh, America … why have you gone whacked!? It’s the major challenge/opportunity of being an open society where we are all immigrants. Really, can the human species overcome their myopia, tribalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and figure out an eco-plan where all fit, adapt, grow and love!? hmmmm….. let’s talk.
– Osaka Voyager
Yes, James, let’s talk. In this dog eat dog world where self-interest rules, we lack for engagements where we spark each other and inspire each other and help each other. Let’s blow the whistle on the myopia in which things that could help us, like what’s in this post, are as if they don’t exist.
A caring and peaceful world – the world longed-for on this site – takes a specific skill set. The world as we know it is just an effect. The cause is how we are badly trained by hierarchy cultures, as ours is, to deal in a healthy way with ourselves and others. Basically, we eat the blue pill and operate from “am I one up or one down” reactive ego consciousness out of which we are poised to nuke ourselves or hasten the Sixth Extinction event. The good news, and hopefully the saving grace, is the development in the last 50 years of emotional intelligence skills and practices that literally alter the way we think and relate. Adults know just a bit of it as Non-Violent Communication training. For kids, it is mostly called social-emotional learning (which few adults even know exists though there are decades of positive evidence about it) and it will turn around a bad school quickly and produce remarkable human beings who relate to each other and life beautifully, empathically, co-creatively, and as a conscious “we”.
I regard this training to raise humanity’s emotional intelligence as the red pill and I have made it a mission to get it into every school here and elsewhere asap rather than just the 10% that flourish with these programs and practices now. There is this human yearning for positive change, but, as Einstein noted and we all know, you can’t fix something from the mindset that created it … and for me there’s a race now to create a generation that thinks differently and has the skills to make a positive difference on a mass level such as history has not seen before.
They are the ones who will create and put into effect solutions we haven’t even thought of. You can learn more about this at http://www.EQuipOurKids.org
Jay, I’m with you on how important this is, as I bear in mind how I’d like the new reality while I can still enjoy it. In the meantime, here are two great pieces about existing programs (amazing how solutions exist that are ignored while we agonize over what to do) I put on Facebook that you might want to add to your site:
This School Replaced Detention with Meditation and the Results are Stunning: http://www.upworthy.com/this-school-replaced-detention-with-meditation-the-results-are-stunning?c=ufb1
What if Schools Taught Kindness?: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_if_schools_taught_kindness
Go, Suzanne!
We sure need your breezes of hope and possibility. Thanks and please keep it up!
Universal income, yes. No billionaires, yes. Elizabeth’s Two Cents program, yes. How the heck do you unite such a huge world, people on so many different levels about things?
Love to hear about anything you learn about gun laws in Japan.
Your list of essential included three of the four basics: don’t forget health care!
And yes! THE ENLIGHTENED PARTY. Not just the Green Party, the whole way to Blue, Indigo and Violet!
Great to see that you’ve been poking around the site! How I wish everyone would do that for the treasure trove I mean it to be. I think the thing we need to unite the world is to bring everybody up from poverty. We still can have very rich people but everyone should have their basics covered — of course, health care included. With Yang having a visible platform it’s a shame he didn’t explain the effect of Universal Basic Income, which would turn us into a compassionate humanity from being run by self-interest and greed as we are now. It’s not that I’m so convinced all will be well, but we are in such jeopardy that I call attention to anything and everything I find that we could get behind to improve our chances.
The dream of “All will be well” is something being in a body forces us to give up! But the entrenched me-against-you idea that is modeled for all of us pretty much from the moment we step out of our homes, if not (tragically) before that, just has to go, replaced by the we’re-in-this-together recognition that only care for all will work in the long run. How to universalize this understanding? Acid in the drinking water always was the best idea, but let’s start with basic income for all and see where that leads. Though Yang et al didn’t succeed at denting the hard hat of denial of common decency, the meme is in the world and we should champion it from now on.
Love you, Suzanne!
When I stumbled across that basic income idea I was so struck by the intelligence of it that I produced a big deal program about it, A World Without Work, with a professor doing a talk and then everyone getting into small groups around tables laden with desserts to discuss the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im-c8rODDlY&t=2s. It made me very sensitive to the idea at a time when no one to speak of had heard of it here in the States, so my radar has been out for 5 years now where I notice that more and more has been done with that idea. Now, I bet it will actually become the biggest solution to what ails us. And, for my money, put ecstasy into the drinking water, not acid, cause the old ecstasy we used to take, before they adulterated it to use at raves, brought everyone straight to the heart, the place from which we would create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
Oh, yeah. Ecstasy is just the thing!