I keep wondering how get my podcast guests engaged with each other. Collecting the heroes is a longtime assignment I have from on high, and I’d love my guests to have the pleasure of one another. From this will to good, good will would flow out to the whole world. Here’s a possible communication.
“Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
Of facts…they lie unquestioned, uncombined.
Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
Is daily spun, but there exists no loom
To weave it into fabric…”
– Edna St. Vincent Millay
I’m incubating an idea I’m sending first to all my podcast guests to see if you would participate.
In a race between consciousness and catastrophe, with what’s ahead figuring to be worse even than what’s happening now, how to get on the right track is THE question.
Unhinged from our moorings, with no leadership to guide us, it’s wide open to rethink the world. And, now we have Zoom. Ta dah! And we have me and my penchant for meetings where people really meet.
One thought isn’t to head-on look for the big idea, where it’s paradigm-change or bust. In fact, the challenge is so overwhelming that most people don’t have any large, life-saving idea. But, together, as a creative body, a sideways approach to get to such a thing could come from an engagement of outstanding, thoughtful, self-aware people. In the cross-connect, not only would the participants and the audience be enriched, but what emerges could be a be-all-end-all.
Everyone would bring something to share.
Read a poem — yours or someone else’s
Have a solution to global warming?
An idea of yours for us to chew on?
Charm us, surprise us, inform us, inspire us, entertain us, query us, whatever…