We, the writers of Substack, united, spread the word: Revolution! Through all the corners of the internet. Trump won the elections in the US in November 2024. That was the catalyst that got all of us together. From his hate we got courage. I use WE. There is no I here. Only together we can pull it off. My small part on it was to listen to all sides, connect North and South, open dialogue for understanding.
Trump won the elections in November 2024 and became the dictator he promised during his campaign that he will be. He quit the NATO, helped Israel “evacuate” the Palestinians away, told Putin to go ahead with invading Ukraine, Georgia, and whichever other European country he would like, and when he got to Poland, people finally woke up. But they didn’t wake up because they cared about the Polish people or anyone else, but because hunger spread, governments put all their money on weapons, on war, and social help, health care, education, everything that was for the people, was abandoned. Only war was left.
Mass protests started. People demanded their governments to stop the wars. But they kept drafting the young and making weapons, so when poverty took over the middle classes, when their pockets and consumerism was affected, and their children were coming back in body bags, they started to get angry and go to the streets and organize against the dictatorships that took over the world. Of course, repression also became normal, police repression, forbidding protest, but also, AI was used to control every aspect of our lives, so the people who still cared to do something about it went underground.
It was then that the AMOC stopped and a huge winter storm paralyzed the northern hemisphere that killed millions of people. In the middle of the war in Europe, everything had to be stopped: freezing temperatures, dead crops, hunger and mass migrations. Also, North America, Russia, North Africa, parts of Asia were affected. And when millions saw clearly that their governments and the rich elite that they so stupidly glorified, abandoned them, desperation and anarchy spread on. That was the wake-up call to unite. But yet… people were not used to get organized by themselves. They were used to being told what to do, not to deciding what to do. It was chaos.
So, we, the Writers of Substack, got organized, united, and became a vehicle for dissent and prepared a new system to replace the old. My small part on it was the same as always has been: to connect opposite pols. I am like water, conductora, always between my two very different sisters. So, I listened, I opened up a forum for people to express their opinions freely, on both sides, on all sides. I united Global South and Global North through the dark corners of the internet; but there was censure, so we had to hide.
Of course, there was abuse, but at some point, people were more concerned about their survival, their family survival, and so they realized that we were all together in this. Right or left didn’t matter anymore. Death didn’t differentiate. The forum was adopted by other writers in Substack, and slowly, conversations became actions, and actions, revolution.
How did we do it? Slowly and painfully, trial and error. Losing a lot.
Trump, prepped up by drugs because at this point nobody knew anymore how old he was, together with his acolytes, was toppled down by mass protests and people’s dissent. In the South, poverty got to 80 % because of the neo-liberal policies and exploitation from the North. But when children were dying of hunger in the streets, people said enough.
It was not just one thing that ignited the revolt. It was a chain of events that finally got people moving. And it was not everywhere at the same time. But slowly, across the whole world, people united, people, the masses, the dispossessed of the earth, the losers, the artists, the intellectuals, the middle class, even some of the ultra-rich solidarized with the rest of the world: we all stopped consuming, buying useless stuff, stopped paying taxes to the dictator regimes, many were imprisoned and killed, but that didn’t deter us. The future of humanity was a stake because these oligarchs, these selfish ultra rich and greedy corporations that were in power and controlling us through AI, were destroying what was left of the natural world with their bombs and their continuing exploitation of natural resources.
Around 2035, the UN finally got some balls and took command of the situation. The military of the world also said no, after all, the military is also comprised of people. Many leaders saw the dangers of continued fighting and they also refused to participate. There were mass imprisonment and death penalties, but people refused to kill in the name of greed and power. People abandoned the cities, soldiers deserted, and went back to the land, any land that could be found even if it was owned, people occupied and settled and farmed and defended themselves in their off-grid bunkers.
Many people died but it was for a cause: to save the earth, humanity, from destroying itself.
The people had chosen peace. So, without the power of the people, the masses, the dictators had to surrender. The earth was still suffering from all the pollution, but by diminishing exploitation of natural resources, stopping all wars, the restoration could finally begin.
We still had to suffer the consequences of climate change, we did pass the 2 degrees ceiling by a grade or two, depending on the season and the currents, but we had faith that, by stopping consumerism, by stopping the shipping across the world, local economies and local trade could flourish, capitalism could be defeated, and solidarity and cooperation would be adopted as the norm.
After the horrors of war and climate disasters, we were ready to surrender and say Basta! We, the people, finally said NO.
How did I survive, I, lowly Nasty Woman?
I went to Argentina before all air and sea traffic was interrupted by the big wars and the climate disasters, and there I joined the resistance in Patagonia, where we created a self-sustained community of deserters. The losers united. With the help of some powerful dissidents, we secured communication channels in the dark web, and I helped organize the resistance there. Because some of those multi-millionaires of the world also lost everything to dictators and tyrants when they disagreed with them, those powerful dissidents also went under and helped. They might have no money left, but they did have connections.
The earth also rebelled against the tyranny of the unjust and sent flooding, storms, earthquakes, and heat waves. The ice melted; the permafrost came free. We were in deep shit. Half of the world population died.
It took years of struggle fighting the system. We lost much. But we finally won peace with each other and nature. We went to the dark ages, but after twenty years, we slowly resurfaced. We stabilized the climate. It was warmer, it was more extreme, there were parts of the planet that were inhabitable, but, we had another chance to build something better, more human and closer to nature.
So here we are, it’s 2050, I am 80 years old, and from my little patch of land in this corner of the world, I could say, we did it together.