Enlightened Imprisonment
Would you rather get your pound of flesh punishing someone for a crime or rehabilitate that person so when they get out of prison they don’t re-offend and go back in?
In Norway, a prisoner’s bedroom. Norway has a model-system based on rehabilitation.
Read about it in this article, it will blow your mind.
Prisoners consume ayahuasca (a psychedelic drink) in Brazil. Here’s another example of a more enlightened way to treat criminals.
It’s a New York Times article about giving prisoners Ayahuasca in Brazil.
Michael Moore has a not-so-widely seen documentary, Where to Invade Next, that blew my mind with examples of enlightened practices around the world. The Norwegian prison system was one of its subjects.
I talk about Norway and Brazil in Episode #4 of SUE’s Video Programs.
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“…An Oligarchy on the Brink of a Civilization-Threatening Collapse”
I find myself constantly referencing this article, Why Trump-Sanders Phenomenon Signals an An Oligarchy on the Brink of a Civilization-Threatening Collapse, by Dr. Sally Goener. It makes sense of our place at the cusp of a historical cycle of social transformation that tracks back through history, where every 80-90 years a great transition occurs. [Read more…] about “…An Oligarchy on the Brink of a Civilization-Threatening Collapse”
Heroes of our Time
Watch Jonathan Starr on 60 Minutes:
Jonathan Starr Sends Somaliland Students to Harvard, MIT
Banned TED Talk about Psychic Abilities, by Russell Targ
This is a talk I produced. As of today, it has 881,025 views, 12,198 likes, and 10,641 shares !!!!! Without having seen this talk or talks by Larry Dossey, MD and Marianne Williamson, TED decided that my fully sponsored TEDx West Hollywood program was unacceptable and cancelled my license. They said: “If your program is allowed to proceed, it will truly damage other TEDx organizers’ ability to recruit scientists and other speakers.” I had two weeks to regroup and I paid for putting on the program myself. Do you think these talks are unacceptable or do you think they belong on TED’s stage?
Read more about Russell Targ and the TED situation here.