This is a talk I produced. As of today, it has 881,025 views, 12,198 likes, and 10,641 shares !!!!! Without having seen this talk or talks by Larry Dossey, MD and Marianne Williamson, TED decided that my fully sponsored TEDx West Hollywood program was unacceptable and cancelled my license. They said: “If your program is allowed to proceed, it will truly damage other TEDx organizers’ ability to recruit scientists and other speakers.” I had two weeks to regroup and I paid for putting on the program myself. Do you think these talks are unacceptable or do you think they belong on TED’s stage?
Read more about Russell Targ and the TED situation here.
This talk has now surpassed 2,000,000 views!!!!!
It’s past 3,500,000 now!!!!!
I like the feel to remote viewing,and automatic writing.Speaking of such,whyst dust not speak with the tongue of our Lord when spoke too?If you believe he said give into Caeser that which is Ceasers,and the other to God.Then whyst dou not believe me if I say the Lord spoke to me these ,whyst dou not giveth them the fowl?This was after someone ask where I got something while walking away from them,pushed me off to no end.That someone would ask me that.It took a day but the Lord the gave me the answer while not revealing anything.
This talk has now surpassed 3,500,000 views!!!!!
The more you ban something the more people wanna see it. Knowing this , when someone produces a talk that is lacking in substance, they simply ban it to boost interest.
Superb talk, a bit long at 60Mb but remarkably good and quite mind-blowing material.
Neil Spokes, Ph. D. (London 1959)
On YouTube it’s up to 4.64M views and still climbing: No ads, no promotion!!!!
The video is removed… what was the link you sent? Was it Bout esp?
The video has now been taken down unfortunately. Any other place to rewatch the video?
Mainstream science is rather like a fundamentalist religion in which blasphemy can be anything which flies in face of the formal teachings of the Ancients. ESP is a real phenomenon which has not been taken seriously by Science. It is obvious to me that the mind does not reside solely in the brain but hundreds of years of research on brain function is missing this vital connection. The phenomenon of Remote Viewing clearly shows that there is a connection between the mind and a realm in which time does not exist and which contains all the evidence of everything in the universe which has ever happened or ever will.
There’s a lot of energy now on having science expand its parameters to include what it now deems pseudoscience. It’s a process of us becoming tuned into the bigger picture, and in this instance TED dug in its heals to resist that.
Let’s hope this continues apace!