The Universe is a Green Dragon, by Brian Swimme, is a map of the universe – where it came from and what we are doing in it. I’ve bought more than a thousand copies. It’s the most important book I’ve ever read. See all the 5-star reviews, including mine, that will bowl you over with how unusual and how wonderful this book is:
My Heroes
Dear TED, please answer!
I am jazzed by an opportunity fate has presented to open people’s minds, and this is a call to enroll you in helping. With the enormous outreach TED has, I’d like to hitch my wagon to them re-opening the case they had against me. What I’d like to use for that is the still ongoing viral spread of a talk that caused them to cancel my license for a TEDx production that was two weeks away from delivery. I went on to produce TEDx West Hollywood under my own auspice, and since then have been looking for any chance to get TED to publicly reconsider what they had done. If they posted the talks they objected to, the public could have a conversation about what belongs in the realm of appropriate subject matter versus the woo woo they had branded me with.
The gift I’ve been given is the talk that Russell Targ gave, which all of a sudden and without any promotion has hit 1,296,966 views and has 3,755 comments! This is evidence that it’s a topic worth spreading, that’s enlightening and moving people rather than belonging in the garbage dump that TED relegated it to. I’ve asked TED, with no response from them, to post that talk and one other, by Larry Dossey, that they also objected to, and to ask their audience what they think about the appropriateness of putting these talks on a TED stage. This would have far-reaching implications because right now Wikipedia is distortedly labeling things that don’t conform to the scientific materialism, that is taken for gospel today, as pseudoscience. This exclusive credence to what is external and objective helps keep our worldview anchored in greed instead of in the compassion we would feel if we recognized the interconnection of everything that these talks tune us into.
PLEASE listen to 4 minutes of Graham Hancock in a radio interview that should get your dander up enough to email with your opinion.
Wanted: Enlightened Voices
Do you know anyone like Kabir? I’m collecting people who’s mere presence has the power to change the world. Please turn me on to anyone you may know so I can do something to share them with the world.
Kabir Helminski Will Enroll You
Put your multi-tasks down and let yourself be enchanted by Kabir Helminski, who could be the reincarnation of Lex Hixon, a great spiritual avatar and real down-home human being I was privileged to be allied with before his early departure in 1994. We need more like Lex and Kabir. If we had politicians who called us to oneness from their heart and soul it might be a different world.
Heroes of our Time
Watch Jonathan Starr on 60 Minutes:
Jonathan Starr Sends Somaliland Students to Harvard, MIT