With recent stories in The New York Times, there’s newfound interest in what might be coming from elsewhere. It’s as per what I gave my hosts to send out in invites for my talks about crop circles:
The God of Science Took a Nap
..and nothing else has awakened the world to the magic of the crop circle phenomenon…
When news of the crop circle phenomenon hit, in 1990, science turned its back. Here’s Wikipedia today: “a consensus among scientists that the circles are man-made. (What to say about one citation being Skeptical Inquirer, and the other being a professor from Oregon who writes debunking articles in high-minded publications like Nature?)
Two scientists no longer with us, who had world-class credentials, believed otherwise, and they are a lifeline to what is one of the most, if not THE most, fascinating thing going on in the world. I’ll show you the phenomenon through their eyes. The evidence is there. All that needs to happen is for attention to be paid.
Although hoaxers have come to do beautiful, well-designed formations, there are aspects to the circles that go far beyond stomping down crop. But, sleeping science is ignoring the results from a lab run by one of its own, who published more than 50 articles in scientific journals.
What would happen if we discovered other intelligent life? With lab reports indicating we can’t make the changes to the biology of the plants or to the chemistry of the soil of crop circles, we don’t need to shake hands with aliens to change our mindset. As John Mack, one of the open-minded scientists, said, “Crop circles are the most extraordinary crossover from the other dimension in the history of the human race.” What would happen if this were accepted as true is something mind-bending to talk about!
ASTR0NAUT GORDON COOPER addressing U.N. panel discussion on UFOs and ETs, 1985
Summary: This message was given to the U.N. by Astronaut Gordon L. Cooper, one of America’s original seven Mercury Astronauts. Cooper orbited the Earth for a record 34 hour, 22 orbit flight in the spacecraft ‘Faith 7’, in May of 1963. He has been outspoken about the need for an open inquiry into UFOs – based on his own personal experience of sighting UFOs in space and the testimony of other Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Astronauts.
A big yes. Interesting that the NY Times is picking up on this body of info that has been out there for such a long time.
If only John hadn’t admitted in public that he concluded ‘Alien Abductions’ were real, he may also have been able to further enlighten us on such ‘crossovers’. Perhaps it’s possible he still can via ‘Channeling’? May he now rest in peace.
After his #1 NY Times bestseller, Abduction, which was the data supplied by presumed abductees, John Mack wrote a book I loved,Passport to the Cosmos, where he speculated about how these reports might not have been “real” in the normal meaning of that world but real nonetheless in another context.
In my comments on the movie, “Arrival,” where an alien race contributed to the transformation of consciousness through the use of a cryptic “message,” I said it is interesting to entertain the possibility that it does not just happen in movies but there is a message that is being communicated through crop circles, which can shift the consciousness of the world — what is exciting is that it already is happening; all we need to do is realize it!
I wanted to share a personal story. When I co-founded a school in hypnotherapy, in 1987, I taught a course on how to work with people who have had alien encounters. When someone recounted his story that was in this nowhere place on the California Russian River called “Knights End,” my hair went up on end. A year before, my girlfriend and I, tired and headed to a hotel, took a turn-off to Knights End and experienced some of the same phenomena as my client did: going through a dense fog, the loss of time, a sudden influx of new energy (the exhaustion disappeared and we were buzzed). After that, neither my client nor I had any recollection of the hotel we stayed at or of leaving it. It was weird. But, my client remembered when I regressed him with hypnosis, and he recovered a memory of a direct encounter of the second kind, right at that hotel. I had him hooked up to my biofeedback (I use something similar to a polygraph), and this guy was not making it up!