Do you know anyone like Kabir? I’m collecting people who’s mere presence has the power to change the world. Please turn me on to anyone you may know so I can do something to share them with the world.
I have this outside the box idea that if the right people were heard, fundamental change might happen. Beyond credentials and intellect and eloquence, what is so compelling about such people is a bedrock of being you can feel when you hear them, and that draws us into the essence of ourselves.
Here’s an example of that vibration: Kabir Helminski, who I wrote about in a Blog post recently.
Hi, Suzanne — don’t know if this qualifies, but take a look and see what you think:
How about me… James Wanless, Ph.D., THE RE REVOLUTION: The Re Rules for Renewing your Life, Relationships, Health, Business.
Hi Sue, I’ve been talking about ideals of the Feminine with the power to change the world; ideas like doing away with linguistic imperialism, changing our mythology, incorporating esoteric practices in our daily tool kits, shifting from a having to being society. and one of partnership ideals. I’m a pied piper for many of these ideas that give us a new direction because we surely can’t keep doing the same things and expect the results we know we need. If you’d like to hear more, let me know.
Bentinho Massaro, Bashar, John Morton, J-R (in spirit now) Matt Kahn, Chief Golden Light Eagle
Hi Suzanne. Seems like an idea worth trying. Here are a few people that inspire me in completely different ways. While their messages may at first seem unconnected, I believe they are all talking (from different perspectives) about an impending paradigm shift that is already underway. I find that encouraging.
Joel Salatin
Matt Khan
Nassim Haramein
Dr. Steven Greer
Hi Suzanne. It’s been a long time. So glad you’re still doing your good work. I send love to you always.
I recommend you check out Regina Cates of Romancing Your
Stephen Harrod Buhner, Peter Wohllenben and Stephan Harding are voices of a livable future. Please consider this strand of activated consciousness they open for us.