Bopping along through history, with different players but a through line, we go from the emergence of primitive human who took hundreds of thousands of years to even start to use tools, to the more modern eras where we have moved though thinking we could own human beings to recognizing that ALL people, whatever their religion, sexual orientation, or skin color, have an equal place at the humanity table.
While this progression of freedom has been taking place, there has been another track of how people organize themselves. From hunter-gatherer nomadic bands to agriculture and then money to be able to interact in a more complex society than the village, and we get the clear separation among those who have more and those who have less. The push of history is for some to excel and others to be deeply deprived – an unstable relationship that leads to crime and war.
Where the threat of extinction is a possibility, we need a radical rethinking to invent a next phase of human relationship. A better way for humanity to engage is essential to assure we will not go the way of all other species who disappeared after they played out their time here. Things like nuclear winter could be beyond our control, where nature delivers something of an intensity that made Earth virtually uninhabitable and the chain of evolution had to start again to get to something like us. A meteor could do it. Or an eruption. Or our own hand. And though we only can protect ourselves from nature as best we can and it may not be good enough, on the human front we have power. We can decide that the fate of the earth supersedes our selfish needs and interests. That is what is worth striving for.
We tend to not see the forest for the trees. The conversation about how to reorganize the world is not being had. We talk a lot about this and that, and each thing is worth conversation, but what we don’t talk about is what’s giving rise to all the issues that humans have authority over. That is what we need to be dealing with.
Question is why many people aren’t just “informed” about the main issues of our times but also care about lofty ideals for the world’s betterment? Yes, the solutions are here but the political will is not. And, the bastion of liberty under the new Republican ethos is endangering American democracy, where fake news seems to have as much influence or more than facts. But why? Inborn predispositions. The lack of a close-knit community with wise elders and shared knowledge, and too many competing ideologies to sort out without time to live life on a human scale. Thus, the world is “developing,” but it’s impersonal and catering to the glory of the individual, still mired in an emotional system in which correct solutions cannot match the drives inspired by facile, populist, ethnocentric, power-and-glory-driven solutions. And, still, there’s is a sense that we can do better as a species. But, how to implement the sanest policies and solutions if many political leaders, in an era of institutional decay, are self-serving and corrupt? Could it be human-nature genetic modification? Hybridizing with ETs? A shocking cultural and systemic crisis? Energies being sent by the central Sun to raise the vibratory frequency? The heroic efforts of thousands of conscious, caring individuals? Because ideas – even if correct – may not be enough.
Well, yes. “Ideas” to be sought aren’t just more enlightened understandings. They are out there, but how to get buy-in is the big question, and the mission of SUE Speaks to deal with.
I’m curious, did you mean this statement literally “And, the bastion of liberty under the new Republican ethos is endangering American democracy, where fake news seems to have as much influence or more than facts.” By that I mean, did you mean to suggest that the Republican agenda in America is endangering our democracy?
Dear Suzanne: Your questions and proposals are important. In fact, crucial. We need to collectively wake up or else stupidly destroy our lives, that of animals, plants in this wonderful world of life and opportunity! As you know, a major question is how to stimulate a healthy engagement in society in order to care about these issues. So many individuals do not care and most opinion and cultural leaders (orthodox and non-orthodox) are doing their own thing.
I also think that a collective realization that we actually are engaging a more technologically advanced, “non-human” intelligence would force more of us out of our comforting denials. By realizing we are a speck of aware reality among trillions and trillions and trillions of such specks, our sense of self-sufficiency, hubris or pride may diminish. But, in order not to remain floored by this realization that we are not unique or special (or perhaps not even a product of isolated evolution in our planet), a realization that may be compounded by a nightmare failure of our political-economic systems, we will have to agree upon a meta-theoretical basis in which all of reality is interconnected and under rules of engagement which demand respect from civilizations which understand this.
In this integrative and interpretive basis, the shared truths in religions, all fields of knowledge, science, consciousness would be understood as necessary aspects. The singular and plural in terms of the objective and subjective as Ken Wilber proposes. Then, if this meta-philosophy serves to explain the physics involving macro scale effects of space-time manipulation and the use and meaning of consciousness, a shared world philosophy would become plausible.
Thus, I think that we first need to be shocked out of our complacency by a revelation that we are not alone, that we are not so special that the cosmos rolls around us. Then, we will need an explanation providing practical effects (a more “magical” technology) and an unquestionable understanding that all of reality is connected.
Such realizations would contradict our animalistic, self-centered, egotistic adaptations that constantly separate us into self-assertive clans that conflict with each other. Then, either our human nature already contains the flexibility to adapt (through education and community) to the more consciously connected socio-political system that would logically follow or we would find ways to activate (or perhaps modify) our genetic potential that would surpass our basic status, fear-based and short thinking self-assertive, animalistic tendencies.
Thus, the future human evolutionary process may be marked by 1) Shock and Surprise 2) The Need for Re-evaluation 3) Comprehensive-Practical Integrative Meta-Theory (or Meta-Theories) 3) Self-directed modification and/or enhancement of our human nature.
Wow, Giorgio, you need to be on the committee to reorganize the world. How well thought-out this all this. So as not to put the reader off from taking it all in, I took the liberty of changing “will” to “would” in the second line of your second paragraph. I hope I don’t distort your meaning by removing the certainty of us ascertaining there is other intelligence. Even if there is, who knows if we ever will have proof of it, and, in the meantime, it behooves us to look for other ways to get us all into one peaceful exploration of how to change the way we run the world.
I hadn’t thought of genetic manipulation to get us on another track, but maybe. The world is so much more mysterious and phantasmagorical than we give credence to that it behooves us to think outside all boxes when contemplating possibilities!
Other than catalysmic change, like war or environmental disaster or financial depression, how do we effect change? As a nuts and bolts guy regarding human transformation, I believe in a new and evolved consciousness but that growth must be absolutely seen as “rewarding.” For example, toothpaste took off when it was believed that for sure it was a great thing to do! Thus, to change anything in my life, I ain’t doing it unless I know it will be fabulous and immediate!!! We are all busy and overwhelmed and so transformation is not, by itself, very favorable. But, especially when the “experts,” the scientists and leaders all vociferously agree that brushing and flossing your teeth is the “best thing” to do, and also show that to not brush, there will be “dire consequences.” So, we need “results-based motivation” to get moving! But this new motivation must become a “habit.” Habits rule, so change the habit and voila…. change. So, let’s say we want to move from greed to feed. We must absolutely see that feeding the starving world is of extraordinary benefit to us, but to make it a habit, we use the “catalyst” of old behavior. So, when I see myself ordering more whatever, that I have absolutely no great need for, I am catalyzed to the new habitual behavior. In this case, instead of another ice cream or another beer, i donate money to a “feed the world” campaign. This feels good, is doable, has a reward and a catalyst and so begins a new habit! I just think that momentous changes can happen when we change one habit one person at a time, which can then build into a group ethos. I can see making a short video about this. Then the power of the media can work it’s transformative magic.
A next phase of human relationship is exactly what we need. How we make a change is the question. Will be reading all your posts to get some wisdom.
Well stated, Suzanne. An important conversation to be had. I’ve heard it said it may just take an ‘alien invasion’ for all the humans to unite and look out for each other on this planet of ours. Delving into more of the psyche of our relationship with nature and caring for this planet comes forward when many feel taken care of and nurtured. It is stated that 96-98% of our population on earth are struggling to survive on less than $2/day. If we were all in a position to share and support one another, inclusive of the earth’s ground and atmospheres, we would surely all flourish and not just have the few having the opportunity to thrive and the majority just looking to survive. Our fate is also hand in hand with the fate of this planet’s care and evolution, which is often grounded in raising the consciousness of the strong ‘I’s’ into strong ‘We’s’.
Just my 2 cents, for however it may be of value and worth.
Priceless 2 cents. Yes to all. I think Eisenhower was the source of that alien idea — and is why I got so plugged into the crop circles. It wouldn’t have to be an invasion or anything embodied to put the world into a peaceful conversation that could be game-changing. Just knowing other intelligence exists would be so good for us, making us rethink how we have ourselves positioned as the big cheese of the universe. Some humility would very much become us.
You said “human”. How about dropping the human word and going to quantum physics, which says we are electrical magnetic energy field vibrational beings just like the atoms we consist of? How about we drop ALL of the words and phrases that really don’t fit? The words “solidity, physical, mass, matter, separation, enemy, death, germs and viruses” don’t fit in an electrical vibrational existence where we are holograms. Because subatomic particles vibrate and spin too fast for anything to be solid, then how do we have images which are constantly being spun into motion with a huge amount of information that it must take to coordinate this information ?
I wish that you would have read the book “Hands of Light” written by the physicist Barbara Brennan before you became an M.D.
Yes, there are many people out there who are looking for new ways of being and new ways of interacting with each other. One group exploring this is World Harmony. They have a fabulous vision and are in the process of trying to make this a reality. You can find out more about them at http://world-harmony.com. I think you would really enjoy connecting with them in some way.
Checked out World Harmony. It’s daunting to try to take in all they have on the site. I wonder if they will be successful with the HUGE agenda they have, but god bless if they can be. I’ve got a sort of microcosm of an intention, which is to deal with our worldview. One thing. How to shift it? Then everything changes.
It’s efforts like this that are needed now more than ever. In this climate of divisiveness and anger, we are in need of conversations that will lead to action to bring us together and work toward a common goal that will elevate us all.
How strange we aren’t having such conversations now, and after some more prep on my site I’ll be going great guns to get such a thing going!
Radical Thinking
“You will see clearly only as you look inside yourself.
One who looks outside dreams,
One who looks inside awakens.”
CG Jung
What’s giving rise to all the issues that humans have authority over and don’t talk about? What does it mean to get outside the box or to fix the world with oneness?
If you are considering the dysfunction of the world, you are probably into abstract analysis and assigning blame. What Jung is saying is that mere deliberation about the ills of the world is just projection, dreaming. Only those who understand dysfunction in themselves may truly speak. This is what we don’t talk about, but only those who do are outside the box.
Who can speak with the “voice of oneness?”
Jung tells us that you should not speculate on duality or evil in the world until you have looked upon it within. For instance, before you analyze Trump, make sure you are aware of the bully within. Otherwise you’re just dreaming, asleep. You’re just broadcasting dreams, which has very little value in a world dealing with real problems. Conversely, the quotation tells us that the voice of oneness can only come from one who has achieved oneness internally.
“Outside the box” would be a reflex of rigorous self-examination in which you look at your own reality as a microcosm fractally manifest as the greater world. For instance, what is the status of your own family and home? Where does discord exist? How do you create negativity and discord in your world? You may see yourself as a victim, but are you prepared to see that you are the perpetrator?
What Jung is telling us is that unless you have looked at discord within, what you see outside is just the projection of your unseen interior self, warts and all.
Self-observation is the absolute requirement of any internal psychological or spiritual growth. Osho says that it is all a function of Meditation. If you really know how to go into the silence within, you will see it all. This is clarity upon Silence. Here is what he says:
“The intelligent person stops creating, stops projecting and watches the mind so clearly that the mind cannot project anything. As the projections disappear, the world disappears. One day, when the mind is no more there to project anything, all is transparent.”
But few have the mastery to discover this emptiness and its luminous clarity.
Of course there is always Jungian analysis which takes you “within” by training your clarity about your own dreams, but this is a long and laborious process.
Well, what then can those who want to analyze the evils of the world do to get out of the box of their conscious mentation and unconscious projection? What would this look like?
Well, there is a mastery to this too, involving self-observation with helpers — a partner or friends whom you encourage to tell you what they see. If you encourage them to give you objective feedback friends help. To do this you have to free them from any obligation to your point of view. You have to cultivate the space where your friends can offer feedback and simply be receptive to it.
Less optimal is hearing what they say when they differ from you or even get angry with you. If you are receptive, a nugget of insight will be there. The real gold is not where you prove the other wrong, but where you see how you yourself have created the wrong.
You may have to look at the worst of yourself, but it is the best of you that can look in this way.
The other big helpers are adversaries. Try to hear what they say about you and extract the nugget of objectivity from it.
Friends and adversaries are invaluable sources of self-awareness.
As you grow in self-awareness, you will begin to see how the problems of the world work within you. Only then, in the opinion of Jung and Osho, are you able to see the world and its ills for what they are, the outer expression of your own inner reality. But then your opinions and ideas will be very humble. Easy answers do not come to those who have done their internal homework.
Only when we obtain a view of the innermost realities that make us human can we make accurate assessments of all human beings.
This is radical. It approaches the voice of oneness.
After reading around 200 books over 35 years searching for enlightenment, I found out that quantum physics has always been the place to go. I found out that subatomic particles spin and vibrate so super fast that there is no way anything anywhere is solid. So……how are we the images that we are?
“Protons spin as positive charges, electrons spin as negative charges”. Physicists say that we are electrical magnetic energy field vibrations just like the atoms that we consist of. That must mean our brilliant electrical vibrations must be the MIND that creates these images. After all, how do our hearts continue to beat constantly? It is not the food we eat. How are we so freaking coordinated as electrical images if these electrical images are not MIND itself?
From the book “The Quantum World” written by the physicist Kenneth Ford are my favorite words: ‘magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons’. So protons spin as positive charges which are spinning as 3 points of light called quarks. A neutron spins as 3 points of light which is a quark. An electron spins as 1 point of light. A hydrogen atom spins and vibrates at a high rate of speed as 7 points of light.
A 70 kg “human” body would have approximately 7*1027 atoms. That is, 7 followed by 27 zeros:
Of that, 4.7*1027 would be hydrogen atoms, which have one proton and one electron each. Another 1.8*1027 would be oxygen, which has 8 protons, 8 neutrons and 8 electrons. There are 7.0*1026 carbon atoms, which have 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons.
So oxygen atoms spin as 8 protons which is 24 quarks which are points of light. Oxygen atoms spin as 8 neutrons which are 24 points of light. Oxygen atoms spin as 8 electrons which are 8 points of light. Oxygen atoms spin as 56 points of light. That would be 56 times 1.8*1027.
Carbon atoms spin as 6 protons which are 18 quarks which are points of light. Carbon atoms spin as 6 neutrons which are 18 quarks which are points of light. Carbon atoms spin as 6 electrons which are 6 points of light.Carbon atoms spin as 42 points of light. So that is 42 times 7.0*1026.
Hydrogen atoms spin as 1 proton which is 3 points of light. Hydrogen atoms spin as 1 neutron which is 3 points of light. Hydrogen atoms spin as 1 electron which is 1 point of light. Hydrogen atoms spin as 7 points of light. That would be 7 times 4.7*1027.
Would that be 56 + 42 + 7 ? That equals 105. I am trying to figure out how many points of light that we consist of, but the math escapes me.
“Human beings” spin as 100% light. This light makes patterns according to the program of constant creation as seen by those quarks constantly bursting forth. These points of light are the ideas/thoughts that are the patterns of these bodies, which is the heart and lungs, etc. Information. Each quark is information itself. We are constantly being created with information itself that is being decided by a computer mind? There is huge order going on here. These bodies we have constantly breathe, and pulsate …….. with order…….constantly with the bursting forth and spinning of those quarks.
test #2
We need to evolve to new six human race( Generation 11)…time is NOW!!!!
Please read : http://www.humanabilityscale.com .
If you have any questions send me E-mail to humaabilityscale@gmail.com.
Best regards ,
Sergei Chetvertkov.